kosmunity update – 9/30/2022


First, thanks to each of you for helping to support the channel. Whether we're thanking the stars for bughunt mode or just crossing our fingers for an imperfect ancestor clone, it's always a pleasure.

It is my distinct honor to announce that we've successfully completed all four segments of the Darkest Dungeon in our Spooty Protuberance Estate!! That means no more bloodmoon time limit on the file, and no more death limit either. We're sitting at eight deaths even after the scripted ones; the Countess is the next baddie in our sights. After she's down, we'll take a murderous tour of area bosses and eventually return to the Farmstead.

Ooooweee. I'd been wanting to sit down and make a channel trailer for roughly a million years, and I finally did it! I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Special thanks to the ever-awesome Luthimir for putting together the “Eat it, Stanley!” montage.

X-COM is still tooting along nicely. I feel like I've got my bearings for basic human v. human combat, and our capabilities and agent stats have risen to a level where we actually have some reliably lethal go-to soldiers for when things get dicey. I'm still loving this one, so we'll be playing it for a long time yet.

In the realm of new blood, upcoming games you'll see on the channel are (in no particular order): Metal: Hellsinger, Nioh 2, Gibbon: Beyond the Trees, and a smattering of roguelikes in various stages of early access.

And now, a Dagon priest haiku:

Nice outfit, church boy

Is that a barnacle there?

... some party last night.

Thanks again for tuning in and hanging out on the near-infinite cosmic couch. Rock on and happy hunting.

-kosmender 🌈


kosmunity update – 10/11/2022


kosmunity update – 9/21/2022